
Showing posts with the label responsibility

The Vindication of God: The Biblical Theodicy of John Calvin and Gordon H. Clark in the Face of God's Eternal Decree of Reprobation and the Existence of Evil

Many Christians cringe at the topic of the origin of evil. Where did evil come from? Many Calvinists and non-Calvinists will answer with either “don’t know” or “evil comes from the devil and man”. For the Calvinists, they agree that God pre-ordained evil before the foundation of the world, but many will deny its logical consequence that  God is the ultimate cause of or the creator of evil. God is the one who created Satan and man with the potential to sin. It was so definite, according to God’s eternal decree, that they would sin. Hence, there is no way we can ever cut the link between the origin of evil and God.  Even for the doctrine of eternal reprobation, many will say that it is conditional on man’s foreseen sin. But it is God who hardens hearts as He is pleased. Most are afraid of making God “the author of sin”, hence they’d rather not talk about it. John Calvin and Gordon H. Clark proposed a certain biblical presupposition that would vindicate God in His sovereignty to decree ev

How does God Control Man's Will?

God has the absolute freedom to control man’s will exhaustively and without any exception. Proverbs 21:1 says: “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.” Since God has totally determined how the history of man should go, He also must determine and control every part of man’s being, including his will. No part of man, physical or spiritual, moves without God’s causation. All of man’s thoughts and actions are determined by Him, including the evil thoughts and actions. Simple body movements like showing thumbs up and the habitual cracking of our knuckles and cervical spine, cannot happen without God first determining it in eternity. Even the involuntary movements of our body like sneezing and muscle cramps, cannot happen without the eternal predetermination of God. The context of Proverbs 21:1 is indeed about a king whose will God controls in any way He desires in order to fulfil His decretive purpose. However, by no means