
Showing posts with the label Limited Atonement

Jesus’ Doctrine of Particular and Limited Atonement

  It is common for Christians to believe that Jesus died for all men without exception. From the time of Adam until the end of time, Christ died for every single person bar none. Jesus died for people who were already in hell like Pharaoh and Esau, bound for the lake of fire which is the second death. Jesus also died for Judas Iscariot, becoming the Propitiation for his sins (1 John 2:2), yet he still goes to hell and is bound for the lake of fire to face the wrath of God? ( Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary: To propitiate is to appease, to atone, to turn away the wrath of an offended person. In the case before us, the wrath turned away is the wrath of God; the person making the propitiation is Christ; the propitiating offering or sacrifice is his blood). Something seems strange. It’s either Christ’s death fails to propitiate for the sins of some, or there is a fatal flaw in their scriptural interpretation. I am sure that it is the latter. God is loving, gracious a...

Christ’s Atonement and God’s Omnipotence

  This article aims to demonstrate how different views of Christ’s atonement logically affects our view of God’s omnipotence. There are two types of atonement that are commonly held: 1) universal, indefinite, or unlimited atonement, and 2) particular, definite, or limited atonement. The author used to believe the former view for several years while he was still attending an Arminian Charismatic church.   Universal atonement states: Christ died for all men without exception (i.e. universally) and paid for all their sins. It is an atonement unlimited in its intent (i.e. God intends to save all without exception including those who are already in the intermediate state or hell) and extent (i.e. God well-meaningly offering His salvific grace to all without exception upon the condition of man’s independent-free-will-activated faith or response to His grace or calling). Christ propitiates for the sins of all men without exception, removing the full curse of the wrath of God from...